A Day Almost Two Years In The Making...

It was finally hot enough today in Salt Lake City:

Living in the mountains in a desert makes for a very temperate climate, which I appreciate when I receive my electric bill each month; it's never been higher than $35. Compare that to the $180 it used to be in San Antonio in the summer (read: March through November). But I love any excuse to wear my summer hat; I learned in San Antonio for dark-hair, it really does make a difference in how hot you feel.

But I do miss the heat and humidity; when I was in NYC on vacation, I slathered on face lotion and cream one morning and my make-up all started melting off my face, because I was so...dewey. Oops. I'm so used to greasing up like a piglet here, I forgot I didn't need to do it there. And my hair got that awesome humidity thickness to it.

Speaking of a day almost two years in the making, I realized today the Peace Corps China volunteers I trained on my way out are coming home this summer. Crazy. Can't believe it's been almost two years. On the plus side, maybe I'll get to see some of those cute guys at a the PC China reunion someday!


Busy Bee Suz said…
I would love to send you some of our humidity!!!
I love love love your hat. :)

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