My Bad Qualities
Yesterday I wrote about men I know who act selfish and I don't mind as long as they are fun.
To be fair, sometimes *I* am selfish. And I have some bad qualities: I am prone to anxiety and worry, for one. My friends and loved ones could name others.
And here is the awesome thing about how the world works: the friends who act selfish? Exactly what I need, actually. Someone who would be as focused on my anxiety as I am would make it that much harder to deal with. Yay for complementary weaknesses and strengths!
In fact, the fact I am even writing this is part of my anxiety that I would offend someone by saying I know selfish dudes. Obviously, I don't mind if they are selfish. But I feel bad about saying it out loud. It's not people I am in common contact with! I meant like the guy who calls me once a year to meet him in Vegas and only talks about himself. He's fun, though. (I usually don't go.) Or the dude in China I went clubbing with every few months who would go home with other girls. Stuff like that. I like them, I just don't mind I hardly ever hear from them, because I have/had fun when I do/did.
I struggle with what to say out loud and what to keep to myself. Darn Chilean genes in American culture! (ha)