Teaching in China and Teaching in America

A former student has asked for my help in filling an ESL position at his school in Changde and my former university in Chongqing is accepting applications until July 31st. If you are interested in being an ESL teacher in China, please click the 'Contact' button above to shoot me an email and I'll hook you up with their info.

T. told me this week his school district in San Diego laid off 1,500 teachers; it's the same story I have heard from friends across the country who want to be teachers but their districts aren't hiring. I taught the ESL class in public school for two years (several years ago) and even then because I wasn't tenured my position was knocked back to $600 a year in the budget. Well, that wasn't going to work, so I took a job in business and I've never been back in the public school system. (I volunteer ESL and taught in a Chinese university through Peace Corps.) S., my best friend from Texas, teaches high school in Brooklyn and is an awesome teacher and I take my hat off to her for being willing to put up with what she does to teach in the public school system. Her stories!

And yet, China is clamoring for teachers and pays them well compared to the cost of living, helps with housing, etc. It's discouraging how difficult it is to get a job as a teacher in the U.S. right now and make ends meet. I have many smart, dedicated friends who would be awesome teachers and can't make it work. I fear for our educational system if we don't make some changes to attract the best teachers. (No knock to current teachers; it's a pool that needs replenishing as people retire and I see that as being a more and more difficult task.)

Btw, after living in China, it's funny the things you notice: I downloaded this cell phone wallpaper and just noticed the outlet on the wall; it's the style used in China, two prong on top and butterfly 3 prong on bottom. China is everywhere I look.


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