I like how this little snapshot defined introvert not as being unable to talk to people and be personable, but just as preferring not to do it as often as extroverts. Introvert does not mean socially inept!
I've found introverts and extroverts can find a happy and comfortable balance when they both accept the other without expecting change. My good friend Tom from college was very extroverted and when I used to go visit him out of state, he'd always make sure I had time to read quietly or nap in his room during the day. He could go go go all day, but he understood I needed that quiet time if I were going to spend a lot of time with new people later. I really appreciated his gesture and later spent the time socializing with his friends as he liked to do. I don't remember telling him how I felt, he was just very intuitive and picked up on it and accommodated it. (He's a very successful drug rep now, so those skills have paid off well for him.) I've been friends with both introverts and extroverts and found things to enjoy and value about both types of people. But I always appreciate when my more extroverted friends don't say things like, "You should be more extroverted and put yourself out there more." No, I shouldn't. I'm happy with myself. Introverted is okay too!