Memorable Firsts: Part I
Last night in bed I couldn't stop myself from reading news stories about Hurricane Sandy in NYC: the terrible fire in Queens, the flooding in lower Manhattan, and other terrible events. I flipped over to Twitter and noticed NYU in the top trends, which is how I learned about the power backup failure at NYU medical center and the evacuation of NICU patients. I cried a little for those parents when I read this news, because I know from our family how difficult it is for parents to have their baby in NICU, and then to be evacuated during a hurricane? God bless those nurses, doctors and EMT/firefighters who got all those patients out safely. And all those battling the terrible effects of the storm all over the region.
I realized this is the first time I learned a major news story from Twitter first. I remember clearly the first news story I learned from the internet: when Princess Diana died. I was on Yahoo and read she was in an accident and when I went back to the homepage, they had changed the story to reflect she had died. At that time I still got most of my news from television. Now? Nothing from television. I've been used to getting news from online news sources, but even last night, these were too slow. News was coming faster from Twitter than from CNN. That's quite remarkable, just in technology terms.
I realized this is the first time I learned a major news story from Twitter first. I remember clearly the first news story I learned from the internet: when Princess Diana died. I was on Yahoo and read she was in an accident and when I went back to the homepage, they had changed the story to reflect she had died. At that time I still got most of my news from television. Now? Nothing from television. I've been used to getting news from online news sources, but even last night, these were too slow. News was coming faster from Twitter than from CNN. That's quite remarkable, just in technology terms.