Stuff My Sister Says

(I have my sister's permission to post this.)

My little sister M. (above at age 3) is often unintentionally hilarious. We eat dinner together at my mom's every Sunday and I've taken to writing down her gems. A few recent conversations:

M: "I shaked his hand..."
Me: "Shook." 
M: "I shooken his hand..." 

(Yes, I am that older sister who corrects her grammar. I try to keep that only in the family, though.)

M: "I would never spend $200 on a purse...unless I had $200." 

(You have to admit, that's pretty logical.)

Note: M. has a foreign name that is very unusual in America; online it is usually spelled with the Cyrillic, not Roman, alphabet.

M: "I googled my name. My Pinterest came up and then a bunch of dogs with my name and that's it." 

M: "Did I tell you Ice-T's son was following me on Instagram? Only for like an hour, but still." 

(My sister lives in a world where she not only knows Ice-T has a son, she knows his Instagram account name. That's pretty awesome, admit it.)

M: "The Death Star? I don't know what that is."
My brother: "It's like a cultural icon!"
M: "Oh, is it that thing on their clothes?"
Me: "Star Wars, not Star Trek."
M: "Oh, well, I still don't know what it is."

(My sister lives in a world where she knows who Ice-T's son is but not the Death Star. That's pretty awesome, admit it.)

M: "I need to do something about my skin; I'm getting those lines on my forehead Rebecca has." 
Me: "Hey!"
M: "Oh, sorry, I thought you knew you had them." 

(Sometimes, you just gotta laugh, you know?")


This made me Crack up!!!! hilarious

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