Christmas Trees

I like small alpine trees for Christmas trees because I can do themes; this year, I've done Chinese and personal significance themed trees (and a generic Christmas theme tree). I only have 3 trees this year, but I'll add 2 larger trees next year. 

  • The little dragon is in memory of my grandpa, who called me Puff (as in the Magic Dragon). Up until he died, he sent me birthday and holiday cards addressed to "Puff Foster." 
  • The Raggedy Ann doll is in honor of my grandma; we made a Raggedy Ann quilt together and she surprised me with dolls and books. 
  • The little alpalca is Chilean.
  • The Texas ornaments were gifts from my family.

I'll add ornaments of significance as I come across them; I hope to have enough to fill a full tree someday. (I'll definitely pick some up in the UK and Germany in honor of my college major and my dad's military service.) 


thats so cool that you have an ornament in memory of grandpa. :)
Matt said…
Good Lord...three trees!

I've owned this place for 13 years and haven't put up one between the animals and lack of space :D

Although I was looking at the perimeter bookshelf that I've finally got 80% done* earlier thinking it would be easy to garland-light-ornament up.

(* Still have one end I can't decide how to finish...I bring slow project completion time to whole new levels considering I started building this sometime this summer...or earlier?)
Rebecca Foster said…
Thanks Kirsten, I think he'd like it.

Matt, no Christmas tree in 13 years? Even my neighborhood in China put up a tree!

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