
I sent my cute, exuberant, talkative coworker this picture. We had to have a (non-serious) conversation about early morning talking, in which I asked (very jokingly) if she has cocaine for breakfast because OMG THE TALKING IT IS NON STOP AND WAY TOO EARLY TO SAY SO MANY WORDS IN A ROW.  Now she always checks if it's BC (before coffee) or AC (after coffee) before launching in. She is hilarious, I love working with her, but yeah, the picture still stands. I'm a morning person only in that I wake up early; interaction is another story.


Stacy Q said…
One of my nieces was a real talker when she was a very little kid. One time my brother was trying to politely tell her it was time to let someone else say something and she got very frustrated and said, "But I have so many WORDS!"
Rebecca Foster said…
Ok, that is adorable! Thanks for sharing.

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