No, not real bellybuttons. I can go for...years without thinking about my bellybutton. Or anything else's. But food bellybuttons? YUM. Why is it the middle of something usually tastes the best? I remember standing in front of a watermelon on the kitchen counter, carving out the middle with a spoon, eating my way to the core and knowing I was going to get chewed out for ruining the watermelon, but I just couldn't stop myself. When I open my hummus, it is a little treat to scoop out the center swirl bellybutton. It doesn't taste any different, it just looks cute. I eat sandwiches and bagels in rounds so I can eat the middle last.
My all time favorite food 'bellybutton' is the last piece of a cinnamon roll. Normally cinnamon rolls are not my thing because they are too sweet and gooey, but when I do eat one, I just about eat the whole thing only so I can get down to that last little button in the middle. Mmmm...so good. You know that Seinfeld episode about muffin tops? There should also be a store that just sells cinnamon roll bellybuttons.
However, I will eat the edges of things, when needed. In my family we have edgers and middlers. Middlers are the ones who won't eat the edges of things like brownies and cake. They want middle pieces only. Middlers make things complicated, but luckily there are edgers like me who take one for the team. (In my family there are nine kids, counting all the steps, plus grandkids and in-laws. So when we all get together for a meal, it's quite a group. We also have an usually high number of left-handers. We've got the seating chart and middlers/edgers tipping points down to a science.)
More centers that taste better: artichokes, pizza (that first bite as opposed to the crusty edge), homemade loaves of bread, hamburgers, PB&J sandwiches, KitKat candy bars, toast.

However, I will eat the edges of things, when needed. In my family we have edgers and middlers. Middlers are the ones who won't eat the edges of things like brownies and cake. They want middle pieces only. Middlers make things complicated, but luckily there are edgers like me who take one for the team. (In my family there are nine kids, counting all the steps, plus grandkids and in-laws. So when we all get together for a meal, it's quite a group. We also have an usually high number of left-handers. We've got the seating chart and middlers/edgers tipping points down to a science.)
More centers that taste better: artichokes, pizza (that first bite as opposed to the crusty edge), homemade loaves of bread, hamburgers, PB&J sandwiches, KitKat candy bars, toast.