
I have a love/hate relationship with technology, because I vary between wanting to be connected to everyone all the time and becoming weary that I am connected to everyone all the time.
Before I moved to be with my dad while he battled cancer, I had an old-school phone that didn't use electricity, just plugged into the wall socket. I loved it. When the power went out I could still use the phone. I didn't have caller ID either, instead I had a little silver answering machine to match that looked like the box Charlie used to talk to the Angels and people would call and I'd listen to see who it was before picking up. This wasn't because I wanted to live in 1978 but because I was a starving grad student and a landline in Texas costs $20 a month and I just got out of the habit of being reachable all the time and when I could afford a cell phone again, I didn't get one. But I wanted my dad to be able to get a hold of me at any time. This is a definite sell
ing point of cell phones. Plus, texting is a convenient way to keep in touch with friends or maintain stunted relationships with romantic interests. (And how funny, this is exactly how I dress when I'm texting, too.)
Before I moved to be with my dad while he battled cancer, I had an old-school phone that didn't use electricity, just plugged into the wall socket. I loved it. When the power went out I could still use the phone. I didn't have caller ID either, instead I had a little silver answering machine to match that looked like the box Charlie used to talk to the Angels and people would call and I'd listen to see who it was before picking up. This wasn't because I wanted to live in 1978 but because I was a starving grad student and a landline in Texas costs $20 a month and I just got out of the habit of being reachable all the time and when I could afford a cell phone again, I didn't get one. But I wanted my dad to be able to get a hold of me at any time. This is a definite sell

However, a cell phone is no different than any other gadget I own, which means I have a hard time keeping track of it. Also, I have a bad habit of putting it on silent, forgetting about that, and not noticing until I need to make a call and see the missed calls and texts. On the plus side, it's always a treat when I find it again. The other day when this happened (I lost it in my bed covers all day, please see my post below) I had six text messages and four missed calls. I felt so loved. (I think she does too.)