Nostalgic Candy

Do you like giving people gifts that make them say, "Oh wow, I totally used to love these!"? Or, "Oh wow, I had only heard about these, damn the FDA!"? Then you should buy assorted old-school candy from and use it to make fun gift boxes for your friends. They sell lots of cool stuff, including candy cigarettes! Sour Flying Saucers! And Zotz! You can purchase by the item, a veritable Choose Your Own Adventure in Diabetes. Fun!, $60 for approx. 7 lbs of candy (90 items), including shipping

P.S. when I was writing this, I lost the word 'nostalgic' in my head. It kept coming out "nocturnal candy? navigational candy?" I'm tired.


With a pack of these you were given instant cool status, I loved candy cigarettes! What a blast from the past........

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