The Tongue Test

I am more prone to laugh at others quoting movie dialogue than quote it myself because A: most movies I can quote correctly no one else recognizes and B: the ones they do know I get the words wrong and then get corrected, which ruins the moment. I find that movie quoters are like mathematicians, you get one part wrong, the whole thing is null and void. Whatever, I'm an English major, as long as I got the general idea right, suck it up.

But this movie dialogue is so simple, direct and accurate, it deserves to be quoted often:

"I mean, there's been all these bloody hints and stuff, but has he ever actually stuck his tongue down your throat?"

"No, not once."


(from Bridget Jones' Diary)


Hmmmm, haven't seen that movie - you're more likely to hear me quote Family Guy......
Rebecca Foster said…
I've tried to get into Family Guy, but I get bored after a few minutes. Not sure why, I love Simpsons and South Park and snark in general. Must be too sophisticated for me.

It's a better book than movie. I recommend reading it.

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