Almost Naked

As friends know, I hate having to wear a shirt in public. It just feels so much better when your skin is exposed to the warm sun and fresh air. (And you could in theory do this a lot in S. Texas, where winter lasts approximately 48 hours.) So I especially love Saturday and Sunday mornings when I can take a shower, slide back under the covers and doze again while drying off. And when I do get up, spend all morning in my skivvies. I don't answer the phone. I eat a leisurely breakfast. I read my new Entertainment Weekly or Voltaire or something. (Okay, Entertainment Weekly.) But the best part is definitely being able to lose the outer shell for a while (and be awake for it).

The only time I get to experience this in public is wearing a bathing suit. It is acceptable to wear a bikini in public, but not bra and panties. Weird. Which is why my favorite relaxation-vacation is the Yucatan Peninsula, where the only thing I have to do when I wake up is put on a bikini and wear it all day long. Add chanclas (flip flops) and a sarong for meals. Bliss.


I miss walking around in my underoo's, too bad we have a dang roommate!
Rebecca Foster said…
Yeah, anyone I lived with in the future would have to be okay with it.

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