30 Rock

Yeah, I'm a little late to this party, but that's when the party gets good, right?

I felt a slight twinge of peevishness when 30 Rock beat The Office for the best comedy Emmy this past year. But then I watched 30 Rock. And guess what? It's better. It pains me to say that, John Krasinski, but it's true. And I don't have broadcast TV, which means I go out of my way to catch up on 30 Rock. Rent it, borrow it, buy it, watch it on YouTube, but just get it. I'd tell you why, but if you watch it, you'll know why.

If you must only watch one episode, I recommend Black Tie. Or The Source Awards. LL Cool J and Alec Baldwin sparring, does it get better than that? It does. Which is why this show is amazing.

Other fave moments:

"Guns! What is it with men and guns?" "I think I speak for both of us when I say 'metal penises'"
Will Arnett. And "You can settle it with a talking like this contest"
Tracy's "Imagine Christmas wishes shooting out of your eyes" Christmas song
Liz Lemmon and her 3rd cousin--tragic!
"I'm Samantha, you're Charlotte, and you're that lady sitting at home who watches it."
Rockefeller Center fireworks
Tracy getting rescued The Bodyguard style
Dean Winters, Rescue Me hottie, as beeper salesman/tool boyfriend
"Ahh it feels good to laugh"
'Pure oxygen with a truffle oil infusion'at the pretentious SoHo restaurant. Yum!


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