
On my list of things to do before I die:

11. Learn and perform a sexy striptease to this song.
12. Get appreciated for it.


Unknown said…
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Good song, hadn't heard that before!

What idiot wouldn't appreciate a strip tease from you to this song?!?! I notice a few other people comment on how they wanted to do the same exact thing on Youtube! hahaha
Rebecca Foster said…
Well thank you, I hope so. And glad you like it. A friend had the soundtrack to City of Angels, I first heard it on a road trip. It certainly is inspiring!
Ace said…
You know, I just came across your blog (through a mutual blogger), and I wasn't going to comment...not yet at least. But then you post something like this and make it tourture to NOT comment! Oddly enough, I have the soundtrack for City of Angels, and I know the song very well...despite the sensual feeling you get while listening to this song, I never in a million years thought of a woman doing a striptease to it! But since you mentioned it, the idea has plagued my mind! What can I say; I'm a guy! By the way, I'm Nick. Nice to meet you!
Rebecca Foster said…
Thanks Nick-- glad to know the song choice passes the Y chromo test. Sorry for the plague, girls can be icky that way haha.

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