Deep Bliss = Baths

Hot baths are a favorite way to end my day, especially if I have sore workout muscles. No bubbles or smelly stuff, just super-hot water and a good book or magazine. (You can always tell my favorite books because the edges are steam-curled from bathtub readings.)

And of course, the deeper the hot water, the better the bath. This handy little plastic deep-drain cover stops the water from draining and lets you fill your tub to the top. My sister bought me one for Christmas. Blissful. I wish I'd had it when I stayed with my cousin in his older Washington Heights, NY apartment, huge claw-footed bathtub included. I had to try it out. He'd never taken a bath in it and there was no stopper, so we had to jimmy-rig a drain cover for me. He thought it was weird, I'm sure, to go to all that trouble for a bath. I would have packed this drain cover in my luggage with no shame.

Deep Drain Cover,, $4.97


What a neat little invention.......I'm not a bath person even though I should be because of my problems, go figure!
Your domain seemed to transfer with no problems........maybe I'll break on thru to the other side!!
Happy New Years!
Unknown said…
Do you buy bath products from I've just recently discovered them. I absolutely love their bath bombs! They smell so great. And the ones that change the bath water are so much fun. I now love taking a bath after the baby goes down for the night. So relaxing.
Rebecca Foster said…
Jessica: it was very easy, no action needed on my part but to register it. Hope it goes well for you too if you decide to do it.

Jen: I never have, but I am going to check it out. I agree on the relaxing, a fave ritual of mine.
Anonymous said…
They really are the best. I have a shallow tub and I need to squeeze every inch of water depth I can out of that thing. Especially considering that 1/6 of me is going to be sticking out of the water somewhere. Either from my knees down or my chest up.
Technodoll said…
ooo I love hot baths... and what a clever invention. Must have been by a woman :-D
Rebecca Foster said…
Jeremy: on top of everything else, you enjoy hot baths? You're killing me, Smalls.

Techno: guess what I've learned? If you read a book while using a drain blocker, it's best to look up from the book to see how high the water is getting. Not all women are clever. But whoever invented it, yes.

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