Wee Naughty Corsets

I love corsets. They just feel good to wear. I had a black satin one custom-made when I was in Thailand and I bought this blue one from seamstress extraordinaire angrylittledeadgirl on eBay (although she has a separate online store as well now).

(A little story about this corset: W. took me to a concert at Emo's in Austin for my birthday and this little blonde girl walked by and said, "Wow, great corset!" then started running her hands over it. After she moved on I turned to W., laughing, and told him, "That girl just felt me up!" W.: "Um, yeah. It wasn't bad to see.")

angrygirl has some new designs up and I covet this pirate-style one. How great would this be for a night out with some simple, well-cut jeans? And this zipper one. Very fun. And just a wee bit naughty. Which is kinda what a corset should be. But I do prefer them with jeans and boots. I like the casual/formal/wee naughty dichotomy.

SugarKitty is another amazing seamstress and a great resource, although a bit more expensive, in the $250 - $500 dollar range, a fancier type of corset. Both ladies offer customization of style and fabrics, so if you like corsets, check them out. They do great work.

angrygirlgear.com, around $80
sugarkittycorsets.com, starting around $250


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