A Christmas Story moment

Remember at the end of A Christmas Story, when they are at the Chinese restaurant and the host brings out the whole roasted duck and the mom jumps and squeals? Well, I didn't squeal, but I did jump a bit when this bowl was placed in front of me. All I could think of was Speedy, my cousin Cade's pet turtle. I didn't have to eat it, though. Hooray for being a vegetarian! (The Chinese think being a vegetarian is cuckoo, but they respect it.)


Technodoll said…
That just made me sick in my mouth. See, those are the kinds of things that make visiting China a very scary thought :-(
Jenn-n-n said…

Makes me remember how very gross it was to see the chinese members of staff at my first job eat chicken feet in broth. They looked just like they'd been lopped off the chicken .... SOOOOOO NASTY!!!!!!!!
Jen said…
EWWWWWW!!! I can only eat meat that doesn't look like an animal. I know where it comes from, but I don't want to see it! I swore off fish the first time I saw a whole fish, head, eyes and all, on the table in front of me. I can't eat pork from a pig roast either.

Poor turtle...
Rebecca said…
techno: just tell people you're a vegetarian, they respect it and don't expect you to eat meat.

jenn: that is a special dish here, people love it! At the banquet they had a dish of chicken feet, this little kid was eating them like Doritos.

Jen: I hear ya! I startled me so much. I know, it's all meat, it is definitely a cultural thing that I cannot stand the thought of pets as food. But I just can't. Poor Speedy.
Rebex said…
Omigosh! There are no words...

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