Indiana Jones in China

One of my favorite movies is Raiders of the Lost Ark, including the part where the girl blinks "Love You" on her eyelids. (I always wanted to try that on a date, except mine would say "Kiss Me Hard.")

One of my fellow volunteers is Hottie McHottersons and the girls here LOOOVE him, it's all very Indiana Jones-ish. His classroom is across the hall from mine and I love peeking in and seeing the swooning expressions on the girls faces as he teaches them. After class was over he popped into my room to see how things went and I was asked later by some of the girls, "Miss F., is he your boyfriend??" I told them no, they all sighed and said they were sorry. I am not sure what they were sorry for, but I got a kick out of telling him that story later. Today we were trying to leave the building and got delayed 10 minutes or so while they took pictures with him, one by one.

So in case you ever wanted to know what it's like to teach with Indiana Jones, I can tell you. I'm going to start checking the girls' eyelids for messages!


Kelly said…
I LOOOOVE his name. How cool is that! Hottie McHotterson. It belongs in a book.
Uncle Will said…
Could you post a photo of McH? Gotta see what all the hoopla is about! Miss you mucho!

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