A handy FAQ for questions I am often asked:

Q: Can you go to church in China?
A: Yes, as long as it is a publicly approved church building. Right now that means Catholic, Protestant, Buddhist, Daoist etc. Anyone, Chinese or others, can go to these churches. If I want to meet privately to talk about religion, i.e. a bible study outside of a church, ONLY foreigners can be there, no Chinese nationals. And no public announcement, no public site, no recruiting to attend the meeting etc.

Q: Can you have/receive religious materials?
A: Yes, but only one copy of each item.

Q: Are internet sites blocked to you?
A: Yes, many sites are blocked. If you can get a proxy server to work, you can access the sites through the proxy server. A few sites were unblocked for the Olympics and others work some days but not others. It's just trial and error to see what you can access.

Q: How is your Chinese language coming along?
A: It's average. According to my teachers, I am right about where they would expect me to be. I can get along okay. I usually understand at least a few words in each sentence and can make out what they are asking. If not, I just tell them I don't understand. I carry a dictionary with me. The Chinese are very patient, they know their language is tough.

Q: Is it safe for my health to be here?
A: The Peace Corps takes good care of us. I had 6 weeks of weekly vaccinations and weekly health classes on topics such as how to find and prepare clean drinking water and food, avian flu, air pollution, malaria and other health concerns, drugs and alcohol, and mental health. We have two doctors on staff (1 American, 1 Chinese) and a 24 hour medical hotline. Someone is always on call. Our Chinese doctor went to a prestigious medical school and has many contacts (very important in China) and access to very good care for us. The Peace Corps has a medivac company on call as well. We receive medications as needed, we just have to call the office. We received a well stocked First Aid kit.

They provide us with the following for our apartments: water distiller, air purifier, smoke alarm, CO detector, smoke hood and fire extinguisher.


Rebex said…
I'm happy to know you're being well taken care of. :)

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