My First Chinese Friend

The girl on the right is one of my teachers and my first Chinese friend. We go shopping together and look for good places near the school to get facials and massages. Tonight we are watching 30 Rock on my computer. This picture was taken at a Hot Pot restaurant near campus, where a few of us met one night after school for dinner. (More later on Hot Pot.)

She is a University teacher in another province nearby during the school year, but works in the summertime as a Chinese teacher for the Peace Corps. She will move back to her home province in a few weeks, but I have invited her to come to Chongqing to stay with me for a weekend. I will miss her when we move in a few weeks.


Sarah said…
She's so pretty! I'm glad you have a friend in her. I hope everything goes well when you move to your permanent assignment. Love ya!

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