"You're Dead To Me"
In tonight's AWESOME episode of The Office, Kelly Kapoor tells Jim and Dwight "You're dead to me" after they forget her birthday. I love the "You're dead to me" line! I say this all the time, usually to your face. (Steve S., freshman year of college, to me: "I don't understand how someone so smart can also be so flighty." Me to Steve: "You're dead to me." Turn, flip the hair, walk away.) I also use it to describe people who have pissed me off, i.e., "Can you believe she said that? She is dead to me."
Now, I don't REALLY shut them out forever. It's just a more fun way to say, "I'm pissed at you." I only say it with love. And sometimes I don't even say it at all, I just give a slashing motion across my throat from across the room. With a smile. The message gets across. (Another thing I will do only if I love you is silently flip you off; I've never flipped off someone I don't know, only friends and loved ones. I have accidentally flipped someone off at church, that's how much I love doing it.)
Kelly is a minor character, but she is one of my faves. Click here for a video someone compiled of awesome Kelly moments.
Have I mentioned lately how much I LOVE your blog? :)