Dress Up

Doll Techno asked about pics of me in dresses. So, here are pictures of some of my favorites through the ages:

Me in kindergarten. I remember loving this dress, I wore it all the time.

My 1950's retro cocktail dress. My work dinner with Will, he snapped this on our way out.

My Naughty Nurse Halloween dress. I can still fit in this dress, but it's a bit tight now. Must run everyday again! (And stop eating rice and oily Chinese food, of course.)

Everyone needs the perfect LBD, right? In this case, B = blue satin. It's my Proenza Schouler for Target dress and I lurrvve it. So comfy. (Sorry for the bad shot, it's a camera phone picture.)
This is my favorite everyday outfit. I brought this denim skirt to China and I wear it all the time. This was at the Austin City Limits Music Festival with Will and it was 108 that day, hence the look of pain on my face. Ah, Texas summers! (It was the last weekend of September, but that's still summertime in Texas.)


Busy Bee Suz said…
You are just too darn cute. Thanks for sharing....you have inspired me to go find a dress now....do you remember where you got the kindergarten one? It is so cute...oh, it might be too small for me though. Never mind. :)
I've been in this jean phase. Recently, I have been purging my drawers and closets and have pledged to start wearing skirts again. I used to never wear jeans....I only wore skirts....I have missed them!
Technodoll said…
OMG that nurse outfit almost gave me a heart attack... cuz then you could be my nurse, see? I could pretend to be in a coma and then oggle you when you weren't looking.

OK fine, I'm straight but woman, you are a beauty! wow!

Dresses suit you, is what I'm trying to say.

Marianne said…
Ha ha, I like the nurse one too- that's hot.
The Bingham's said…
Whoot Woo, Oh Sexy NURSE!! I feel proud to share some genes with ya cousin!!
So cool to see your pictures and you as you grew up! Thanks for sharing!
Scarlet said…
From the first to the last picture, you're adorable, Chica!

Btw, I had those same red shoes in Kindergarten! :)

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