God Bless Boxer Briefs

The English majors asked me to do a lecture last night on American Fashion. Around 300 kids showed up, a nice crowd. I had put together a slide show and some videos about designers, popular brands and stores, and general differences between American and Chinese fashion. When I showed this picture, a big loud "ahhh" went up in the room, it cracked me up! Yes girls, men in boxer briefs are hot!  Also, I'm pretty sure this is how my students are going to remember me now, that American teacher who showed them a picture of a guy in his underwear. Oh well.  Two other pictures they really liked:

What can I say? My students have good taste!

What I had for lunch today: greens in garlic sauce, hot pickled peppers and pork (I ate all those peppers and left the pork behind!), beef and potatoes in red sauce, and dry fried shredded potatoes. YUM. We couldn't eat it all, but bites from each plate was a delicious lunch.

Tomorrow (Saturday) there is a big ceremony at my school, and a talent show of sorts. Andrew and two of the other foreign teachers are walking in the show as fashion models, so I'll be filming the show. I'll post any good parts later this weekend. Hope you all have a good weekend!


Busy Bee Suz said…
I also gasped when I saw that picture...what a hunka hunka burnin' love. :) MEOW!!!
Love those shoes also...gosh I wish I had good feet to be able to wear those babies.
Love your lunch..I think I would also eat more of the veggies and skip the meat. I love my veggies!!!
Marianne said…
Ha Ha, that is so funny about the fashion show!
Technodoll said…
What I want to know is if you ever get tired of eating chinese food, or did you get used to it?

Looks AWESOME btw! mmmm!
The Bingham's said…
I guess it doesn't matter what culture you live in, you know a good looking man when you see one!!!
Rebecca Foster said…
BBS, and they are only $900! A steal, meaning, I'd have to steal something to buy them. But they are beautiful.

Marianne, I know, right? In his defense, he got roped into it and feels silly, but this does not mean I cannot make fun of him. I watched his dress rehearsal, they made him wear these Top Gun type sunglasses, so now I call him Iceman.

Techno, I TOTALLY get tired of it. The lack of variety in food here is a pain for us Westerners used to a lot of variety. I only eat out every few days. Most of the time I eat my own concoctions at home, parsing together ingredients to try to resemble a variety of food I am used to.

Trina, word.
Rebex said…
Yummy! (I meant the food, but the man isn't so bad either.)
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