Rebecca vs. The Eggs

So for the past three days I've been trying to make boiled eggs. All you have to do is boil them for 12 minutes or so, right? (Actually, maybe it's ten, I can never remember.) So anyway:

Day 1: I forget about the eggs and all the water boils out and they burn to the bottom of the pan. Oops. Back to the market.
Day 2: I managed to not burn them but left them on the counter to cool and forgot about them, so they sat out all night. Oops. Back to the market.
Day 3: I decide to boil them in my rice cooker so they won't burn again, and also use the handy-dandy timer my friend Paul bought me because I was always forgetting about food and burning things. I was chatting with a friend online and heard the timer go off but thought, "I'll go get the eggs as soon as I finish this thought." An HOUR later I remembered the eggs. Oops. Can you eat eggs that have been boiling for an hour? Maybe. But I also forgot and left them out overnight again. (But they didn't burn!  Rice cookers are awesome!)

It's 5:00 am and I am trying to figure out what to eat for breakfast because, once again, no eggs.The eggs have won. Back to the market.


Rebex said…
I bet your apartment reeks with all those egg mishaps this week. Am I right? ;)
Jenn-n-n said…
HAHAHAHA you kill me!!!!!

On a side note...the radio station here was talking about the love park there, apparently it's big news. They butchered the name of your city so I called them and gave the the correct pronounciation.
The Bingham's said…
I hate it when eggs win!!
Technodoll said…
LOL! If it wasn't for my Annoying Timer (it will beep until I get off my ass and go shut it off), I would have burned down this place a hundred times.

Going back to the market is definitely the better option ;-)
I have to tell you how funny this blog entry was. So much trouble with at the market and go get some more, and I boil my eggs for 30 min - 1 min (hard boiled). Good luck! :)
Katie said…
You are totally awesome.

I went through a phase awhile ago where all I wanted to eat was boiled eggs. Don't ask me why. I found that if I cooked them on medium to medium high they were better than if I went straight to boil.

Of course, since it takes longer it's more likely you'll forget about them.
Lisa said…
Haha! So is it 10 or 12 minutes? I can never remember either.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I have also had issues with boiling eggs, it must be an art at which only a select few can master.
I tend to burn bread also. :)
Rebecca Foster said…
Rebex, the burn reeked, but other than that I toss them outside in the garbage so it's all good. My apartment smells like rainbows haha.

Jenn, you are awesome! Way to spread Chinese culture! I didn't realize it was such big news-- I'm still sooo disappointed!

Trina, word!

Techno, that was my big mistake, I carried the timer with me so I could shut it off. Next time, I'll leave it in the kitchen so I'm forced to walk in there.

Just me, I'm going to try again tomorrow, I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks!

Katie, doing egg research today I read the same thing about the medium high heat. Hmmm...I shall have to try this. We can't eat under-cooked eggs here because they are all contaminated, but if I cook it long enough, it should be fine. Cool, thanks!

Lisa, I read today several recipes that said start by putting them in cold water, bring to a boil, lower the heat and let simmer for 1 minute, then remove from heat and let sit for 12 minutes. There's no way I will be able to do all that successfully.

BBS, phew, glad it's not just me. Bread? I don't even go there.
Scarlet said…
Maybe they need to fried or you CAN'T walk away for too long. Boiled eggs are so good though; I hope you get to enjoy some soon!!

PS - I let my eggs boil for 5 min., cover them and turn the stove off. They keep cooking until a bit and turn out just right. You can go back in 10 min. or an hour (NOT the next day!) and they'll be good. ;)

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