Ode to Moms (and Pink Socks)

I probably wouldn't be in China if it weren't for the support of my mom. Not only is she taking care of my car and all my belongings, making it possible for me to be here, but she sends me the little things that make life a little more enjoyable (pepper grinder, cherry limeade, yoga pants, magazines, masa flour for tortillas, books etc.).  Here's a picture of us taken when she was about 25:

My cheeks and legs haven't changed much, I still have chubby cheeks and frogger legs, but I'm also still super cute in pink knee high socks!

Some advice my mom has given me over the years:

1. Never wear a flannel nightgown to bed. Wear lingerie or nothing at all. Nightgowns are frumpy and unsexy. (I was 13 and at the mall with my mom and commented on a nightgown in a store window we passed. I was mortified at the time.) 

2. If you drink through a straw, place it in the corner of your mouth and don't purse your lips. Putting it in the middle of your lips and pursing causes wrinkles.

3. Let your hair almost dry all the way naturally, then blow dry it upside down. Best volume ever. 

4. Use a needle to separate your eyelashes after applying mascara. Nothing works as well as a needle. 

5. Wear lipstick at all times. Flat shoes are for wimps. And always look your best in public! 

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms!


Scarlet said…
Is your mom Cuban?? OMG! It's my mother's advice to a tee! :)~

The photo of you and your mom is precious. I love it!

Btw, I bet you could make a flannel nightgown look sexy...especially if you're wearing pink knee-high socks! :)
The Bingham's said…
I love your mom's advice. It made me smile. I can totally see her saying that too.
Jenn-n-n said…
Awesome advice from your Mom!!!
Great picture - so cool your post, I almost put my moms up today :))

Great tips!
myself said…
aww nice photo, and you look just like her!
Busy Bee Suz said…
This is so sweet!! Your mom is so cute...as are YOU.
Good advice...but I can't wear high heels all the time...will she still love me???
Lover said…
Oh, my God... I can't imagine how is living in China. What has you posted are suggestion from your mom. Don't be surprised if I can not speaking English well, hohohoo. Be happy in China.
Technodoll said…
It's amazing how much you look like your mom, holy cow! Beautiful!

I'd be scared having a needle so close to my eyeball, I've been known to have "accidents" LOL!

Mmm cherry limeade!

Your mom ROCKS!
Anonymous said…
Nice layout makeover!
Rebecca Foster said…
Scarlet, she is Chilean, so in the same family. Spanish women are so similar :)

BBS, I have never seen my mother wear blue jeans or high heels. She'll still love you, but she WILL comment on it!

Techno and others, thanks! It's funny, I also look a lot like my dad, moreso like him, I think. I definitely have his button nose!
Curly said…
Beautiful picture of your mom.

I will follow her straw advice. She sounds awesome.
Unknown said…
I love that picture of your mother and you. So sweet.
Flat shoes are for whimps. Good thing I'm a whimp. I love my ballet flats! But I also love my new ivory with black dots, t-strip, 3.5" heels. Thought they would kill my feet since they're super cute and were found on sale for #12.99 (Canadian), but they are so comfy!
Rebecca Foster said…
Jen, super cute, on sale, and comfy? YOU WIN. I bought shoes in Canada once, they were expensive but also comfy. So I have good feelings about Canadian shoes.

Curly, it really is good advice! :)

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