3 Random Things

1. Further adventures in the breakdown of my mother tongue: I was with a friend tonight and pronounced the word 'oregano' as 'oreGANo,' as if I were saying the word 'Oregon' in Spanish. Then I said it a few times both ways, trying to figure out which way was right. We both thought it was quite funny; I cried, I laughed so hard when I realized what I'd done. I'm sure the Chinese around us were wondering what was so funny, but it is funny to hear yourself losing the ability to speak your native language properly.

2. I had this for the first time tonight, and it's my new favorite treat: a fresh mango smoothie. (Sha1 bing1 mang2 guo3.) Just crushed ice, fresh mango and honey, blended together in a big cup of awesome. It's $1.00 USD, which believe it or not is a little expensive for us to have very often, but ohhh... it is oh so good on these 95 F, 95% humidity days. I might have to readjust my meager Peace Corps food allowance to include a 'mango' column.

3. I was at a big bookstore tonight, too (I know, fun night, right?) and saw this book in the English books section. Barack Obama is very popular here; my students were actually assigned to read his election night speech as homework by their Chinese teachers. (His inauguration speech was cut off mid-stream by the local media as soon as he uttered the word 'communism,' however.) And now, an English study tool. Kind of amazing. (Click picture to enlarge.)

That's all from me for a bit. There's a weekend party being thrown by two volunteers in another city (one of them is this guy) so I'll be gone playing for a few days. I'm not sure what kind of shenanigans will be had, but oh yes, there will be shenanigans. Hope y'all have a great weekend!


myself said…
ooo have fun this weekend!
Busy Bee Suz said…
barack is teaching english? cool.
The mango smoothie looks so good...I love mangos! (not pronounced mANGOs)
Rebecca Foster said…

BBS, haha! So far I am only butchering the 3 syllable words, but I'm sure I'll get to the doubles soon.
Scarlet said…
Mango smoothies and shenanigans with Austin! Life is good for you! :)
yrautca said…
I have wondered why Obama is so popular among people of other nations.

Have fun. I didnt know you could party in China.
Great 3 things. That ice treat looked delicious! I love when you share stuff like that! Keep it all coming. Love to compare the US to other countries.
Technodoll said…
Mmmmango smoothie - one of my favorites! I do like it with a twist of lime though, to add some zing.

Can't wait to hear about your weekend, crazy girl!

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