Well, James Bond *Does* Have A Big Head

The most popular brand of condoms in China are called Jissbon. (Yes, it means "good jizz.") The Chinese name is similar to the Chinese translation of James Bond. Use these condoms, you'll be just like James Bond! (This style is called 'super space' in English, but the Chinese characters say 'big head.') At grocery stores, there's a shelf of condoms at check out, right above the shelf of gum and candy. They are very openly sold, but I have no idea how often they are purchased.

In every neighborhood in the city there are little shops selling condoms, blow up dolls, Viagra over the counter, etc. (Stores here don't have doors, so it's very easy to see what is being sold inside.) I went inside one downtown with a PC friend (we were eating next door) and we cracked up: most of the products were Russian, and looked like bad props from an 80's era James Bond film. I find it quite ironic that China imports sex paraphernalia from Russia; aren't most plastic products sold in the West made in China? Also, all the dolls had blonde hair and blue eyes. What's up with that??


Technodoll said…
well, the west IS fascinated by asian mail-order brides... maybe it's a culture in reverse?


(that was my blow-up doll face)

I can't get past the beginning of this post. "Good jiz". LMAO. Good stuff.
The Bingham's said…
LOL!! That translation is too funny.
Busy Bee Suz said…
This is all too funny and strange to me....blonde hair/blue eyes???? All of them???
yrautca said…
I think the japanese are state of the art in blow up dolls. Saw this youtube video about a guy who had a dozen blow up 'wives'. All japanese though. As for the fair skin, blue eyes, it could be that chinese men are attracted to western women. I think interracial attraction is undeniable. there's just something about it that i just cant put my finger on. So prescription drugs are sold OTC?

Alos, i have wondered how you are able to blog. dont they ban blogging in chinaland?
Scarlet said…
The "good jizz..." lol I'm not a James Bond fan, but the Super Space sounds interesting. ;)

Amazing that they sell Viagra over the counter and that the stores don't have doors. You'd think there'd be more shoplifting.

Thanks for sharing these little bits of info and allowing us to take a peek into the Chinese culture. It's fascinating!
Rebecca Foster said…
Techno, lol, great impression.

Yrautca, I have a VPN based in the U.S. You're right, blogging is currently blocked behind the Great Firewall. Luckily I am not subject to it.

Scarlet, most stores are small, maybe 5 x 10 feet. I will take a picture of a typical Chinese store and post it.

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