5 Things I Won’t Miss About China

Let me say, this list is far smaller than the things I WILL miss. But there are a few things that have been the most difficult for me to adjust to and/or live with:

1. People blowing loogies out of their nose and onto the street next to my feet. (On the bright side, I have lightening fast snot-avoidance reflexes now.)

2. People trying to rip me off because I'm a foreigner and they think I don’t understand.

3. People telling me I am too fat to shop in their store. And even hiding clothes so I can’t buy them. (Yes, that last part really did happen.)

4. Train station waiting rooms!

5. Chinese is hella hard, y’all. Even after a year and a half, I don’t understand nearly as much as if I'd lived in a Spanish speaking country. I won’t miss the language barrier I constantly run up against.

The next '5' list will be the things I am looking forward to most about returning home.


Busy Bee Suz said…
ewwww....loogies at your feet? gads...I wouldn't miss that either.
Great list!
Little Fish said…
The next time I am totally grossed out by some guy hacking up spit and spitting it on to the sidewalk, I'm going to think about #1 and it won't seem so bad.

Thanks... and sorry.
Dream Big said…
Now that you are almost done your volunteer service, are you happy that you spent two years as a Peace Corps Volunteer in China?

I ask because I have completed my application to teach English in the Central Asian/Eastern European region (hopefully China) and am now just waiting for the Placement Officer to send me an invitation or not. I enjoy reading your blog because it gives me an idea of what I may be facing, but I am a little nervous about the 2 yr commitment.
Technodoll said…
Hah! I thought only russians blew snot of out their noses like that :-D

The shop thing? so not cool. soon home, soon in comfort!!
Katie said…
Um. Yeah. I wouldn't miss any of that either. I can't stand crowds. I've become more claustrophobic as I've gotten older.
Rebecca Foster said…
Dream Big, overall, yes I am glad I did it. Good luck with your assignment! If you do get assigned to China and would like to talk more about it, please feel free to drop me an email. My address is on my profile.

If any of you came to visit, I would do my best to shield you from this stuff, now that you know about it.

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