Bathroom Roulette

Well, this has been quite a week. I guess what happens when you actually start having fun in China is that you lose the time to write about it. It's Saturday night here and I am blissfully staying home and going to bed early. It was a great holiday week, but super-busy. I'm glad for a night off from the fun and frivolity.

So many parts of my Chinese life that were different and unexpected are now normal to me, to the extent that I forget to write about them!  But here's one I was reminded of today: in a public bathroom with multiple stalls, instead of waiting at the head of the stall line for the next available stall, you have to go stand in front of a stall and wait for it to become empty. And it seems like I always choose the wrong stall and have to wait longer than someone who came in behind me. I have bad bathroom stall karma! There must be some secret to determining which stall will be empty next, but I have yet to figure it out. Maybe by the time I go home next year, I'll win bathroom roulette.

I have some more pictures to upload, but I am just too tired tonight to do it. However, here is one taken on the day we went biking. Aww...aren't I cute with eyeliner raccoon-bag eyes? NOT! Yikes, next time we go biking, NO MAKE UP! It got all over my face.


Busy Bee Suz said…
The bathroom waiting game is wierd. I loathe it when someone stands outside my stall. I get potty nerves!!!!
Your picture is adorable. I can't see the raccoon eyes, so there!!!
yrautca said…
Did you notice that you have started to look a little Chinese?
Scarlet said…
That bathroom roulette game reminds me of one of my favorite restaurants here in Miami. I'll have to blog about it.

Btw, you look beautiful! I wish I looked like that after a bike ride.
Aww the picture is fine! And I think the bathroom rule is funny. I would find it an invasion of privacy having someone so close to my stall while doing my business - especially if I were making 'interesting sounds and smells'...I dont envy you there, girl. Bu I guess if you gotta go - you play by the 'roulette' huh?
Technodoll said…
What raccoon? All I see is a happy and beautiful young layday :)

At least the bathroom stalls have doors. Imagine if not?!
Rebecca Foster said…
BBS, people stand outside stalls where you live, too? Interesting. I have never seen it in my part of the U.S.

yrautca, I hadn't noticed, but if I am, I'll take it as a compliment. Chinese girls are beautiful.

Scarlet, please do! Can't wait to read it.

It's Just Me, it's totally like that, too. I hate it when people stand outside my stall.

Techno, aw, thanks. And yes, at least these had doors. Remember the others I posted that did not? Ohhh...maybe I didn't post those! I'll have to dig them up.
yrautca said…
Meant as a compliment. Great pictures!

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