Camel Dreams

I'm up way too early this morning, so what else do you do when you wake up at 4 AM for no good reason?  Dream-shop online, of course.

I am so unfashionable these days, and how I knew this would happen and I was willing to be unfashionable for the sake of being in the Peace Corps, but still: sometimes I feel like a blob. I like dressing up and wearing pretty clothes and shoes; it isn't a burden to me to wear 4-inch heels everyday. So when I came across these two photos online, all I could do is stop for a moment and sigh. I love camel boots, how great would these look with a chocolate brown coat?

And I don't love living where I have to wear a coat, but if I DO have to wear a coat, I want it to be this one:

I want one day where I get to be "me" again, and I go out on a date with a guy I'm really into, to a place where I get to wear entirely inconvenient footwear, and have a wonderful time. I promise this time, I'd even wear the right bra. But then again, with a coat like this, who cares what's underneath it!

Camel coat, Martin Grant


Technodoll said…
Yep, that coat is to DIE for!

The boots would kill me so you can have them :-D


ps: 4am??
myself said…
I am salivating over those boots.

That is all. :)
Busy Bee Suz said…
Love the coat and boots (I love piperline too)
You will get to be your fashionista self again...and you will enjoy it even more!
Katie said…
Those boots are sinful.

If only I had the calves for them. They would be mine! Alas, I was not made to wear boots.
Scarlet said…
That bra would look so good with those boots! :) Go for it!!
Love the coat and the boots...good fashion sense. And yes, your twins will always love you if you wear the RIGHT bra :)

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