Baby's First Abacus

I saw this while shopping for school supplies. I love that the dog appears to be blow-drying its hair. In my city you can see people using an abacus to calculate payment in places like the post office. It's pretty cool to see their fingers move those beads around so confidently.

By the way, is the plural of abacus 'abacuses' or 'abaci'? Hmm.


Scarlet said…
They use the abacus at the post office?? Wow, you are NOT in Texas anymore, are you??

I have no idea what the plural form of the word is, but I also think it's adorable that the dog is blowdrying his hair. That would make such a cute gift!
That's awesome. I pictured some highly technological device for use of calculating in China. I don't know why. Good ol' abacus.
And the hair dryer is classic.
Technodoll said…
It's adorable!

But I have no idea how to use one, LOL!
Katie said…
Wow. I wouldn't know what to do with an abacus if my life depended on it. Maybe I could make something up? But probably not.

That's awesome.
yrautca said…
Interesting. I dont know how to use one.

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