Bye Bye Bali, Plus Daily Life

My grandma is not doing well. So, I am no longer going to Bali and Beijing over my break; instead, I'll be flying back to the U.S. to spend time with her and other family. I was looking forward to these trips, but Bali and Beijing will be there for a long while. Grandma comes first. I am sure those of you reading can understand and would do the same thing.

Now, a few things to share about daily life in China:

1. Street cleaning trucks in my city play "Happy Birthday" in a high-pitched tone, over and over and over. There is also a techno version of Happy Birthday they play in clubs. How "Happy Birthday" became both of these things, I have no idea, but I never want to hear "Happy Birthday" again.

2. Overheard yesterday as I was walking home: a clothing store blasting "Jingle Bells" set to a disco-esque beat, including the phrases "Jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleee." Sleigh IS spelled like Leigh, I have to give them that. "One horse open sleee" set to disco is more funny than I could have imagined. I smiled all the way home.

3. I bought colored contact lenses this week. I didn't know contacts sold in Asia are made to make the iris look larger than it is. They look a little weird to me, but it's interesting to see the world in 3D all day long. I had forgotten what this is like! (I have glasses but don't like wearing them, so I've been living in a 2D world.) Here's what Asian colored contact lenses look like:

4. This was the cover of a weekly newspaper this week. American culture is so popular here, and yet America knows so little about Chinese popular culture. My students ask me all the time if I watch shows like Vampire Diaries, Cougartown, Californication etc. And I'm thinking, you guys know more about American tv than I do! (I haven't seen any of those shows.) I bought this to put on my wall. A little bit of handsome Americana is never a bad thing.

4. The subject of this article has been big news here. Before living here, I didn't recognize the various ways living in a diverse culture has affected how I disseminate and process information. I'll be writing more about this after the holiday.

I know the next few days will be busy for everyone, so let me take this chance to say Merry Christmas to everyone celebrating it! Hope you have a wonderful day with your families.


Busy Bee Suz said…
I am glad you are able to visit with your Grandma. Family is always the number one priority and you know that.
Bradley cooper=yummy.
That story about the girl with the mixed race...just made me cry. I don't understand why people can't get over differences of skin is just crazy. I hope she makes it big one day and sends a clear message to all.
Safe travels.
Merry Christmas!!!!
myself said…
Well I know all about forgoing trips in favor of grandmothers (except I'm not, bad grand daughter!)

Try to enjoy.....
Matt said…
Since Cougartown seems to appear on Hulu on days there is nothing else new, let me say authoritatively...there is no redeeming value to that show. None.
Mandy said…
I am glad that you will get to visit with your grandma and spend some time with family. Have a safe trip!
Little Fish said…
Yes, Grandma's always come first!

Bradley Cooper comes in at a very close second!
Technodoll said…
Although the circumstances for your trip aren't ideal, I'm sure you'll have a lovely visit... *hugs* to you and your family xoxo
Tracey Axnick said…
Bradley Cooper is so freaking attractive. It's distracting. I would love to have that poster. I'd keep it in my bedroom, but I'm sure my husband would be less-than-thrilled. ;)

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