The Spanish (Not So Much) Love Adventures of Lady Rebecca

A few things this week that made me laugh:

1. A random male student I know asked if he should call me 'Lady Rebecca' or 'Madam Rebecca'. I told him it was okay to call me just 'Rebecca.' But in retrospect, how fun would it be to be called 'Lady Rebecca'? I missed my big chance! (Titles are very important here. Everyone has a title, and you cannot mess them up; I'm not his teacher, so he wasn't sure what to call me.)

2. Remember last weekend I went out of town? On the long-distance bus home, T. and I were listening to Spanish music on his iPod through shared earbuds. (For those unfamiliar with Spanish music, it's very cheesy and dramatic.) He speaks Spanish fluently, but I'm only about 70% fluent in my listening skills, so at one point he began translating the song lyrics for me. Picture it: a long period of silent listening, then he suddenly starts saying things like "My heart can't live without you, our history together will go on forever, you are my only love, blah blah blah." I happened to look over at our American friend M. across the aisle, only to see him staring at us with a confused look, wondering why T. is declaring his undying love on a bus in the middle of the Chinese countryside. It made me laugh pretty hard inside, a 'perfect storm' of misunderstanding. Sometimes life is a Sandra Bullock movie waiting to happen.

3. I bought a local women's magazine to practice my Chinese reading. The woman on the cover had flawless skin, not a pore to be seen. I pointed out to my Chinese friend how much I wish my skin looked as good as the cover model, and she immediately replied, "No, no, it's not real! Don't compare yourself, her skin is fake. It's a trick." Her unspoken ending: "Duh." I was humbled by how soon I am to forget that magazines don't represent reality. I wonder if her un-cynical awareness is common? I will have to ask my students for their opinion.

4. My Chinese Peace Corps program manager came to visit me this week from another city, and as soon as she walked into my house, she said, "Oh, your house smells like an American house!" (She was an exchange student in America.)  So now I really want to know what makes an American house smell 'American.' Cheese? Maybe The Body Shop can add it to their list of scents!  (I love their oils, I brought a few with me to China.)

In the words of my Chinese students, "That's all."* Hope you all have had a great weekend!  I put my little mini Christmas tree up, and it makes home feel that much homey-er.

*They say this in class all the time. I think it's polite here to announce when you are done speaking formally.


Busy Bee Suz said…
Well, Lady Rebecca...this is very funny. You smell american, you have a man professing his love for you on the bus, your skin is nice (don't compare:))
Have a great weekend.
Thats ALL.

yrautca said…
You should change your blog title to incorporate the Lady part. The bus story is funny but maybe this T fella changed the meaning and is trying to tell you something.
Ileana said…
Lady Rebecca,

Your #2 made me laugh! That's a prefectly beautiful misunderstanding and a great story!!

I wonder if my house smells like a Spanish house (?). Usually it smells like a Fresh Mountain Air scented candle but I do make a lot of Cuban food.

PS - NO woman has perfect skin...especially if they love coffee and red wine. :)
Titles are fun! Well it was very kind of him to ask! And glad you have an American Smelling House...I've been in a few Chinese smelling houses before here in the states and yes, there is a difference. Thats all. :)
Technodoll said…
Wonder what spanish country music sounds like, ha ha!!

Madame Rebecca sounds like the head boss of a cat house. Lady R. is much better, indeed.

You mah layday! :-D
Stephanie said…
Lady Rebecca! I love that your house smells American:)
kanishk said…
The bus story is funny but maybe this T fella changed the meaning and is trying to tell you something.

Work from home India
mjfoster77 said…
Take a picture of your little Christmas Tree! I want to see it!

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