The Sunshine Of My Life, And Of My Apartment

(Click pics to enlarge)

I've mentioned before, due to the number of factories in the area, there is very little natural sunlight in Chongqing. I can count on two hands the sunny days in a year. So I made my own sunshine out of paper for my living room wall. Lack of sunshine is a tough thing about living in this city, but the locals say it makes Chongqing girls the most beautiful of all Chinese girls because their skin stays very white. However, I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to detox my skin of pollutants when I leave this place.

Here are the other rays of sunshine in my life: all the thoughtful, funny and wonderful cards people send to me. I put every single one of them up on my wall to remind me I am not alone over here. Some of you reading this are on my wall; I was serious about how much it meant to me that you took the time and energy to send me packages and cards. Thank you. I thought you might also like to see where I sit everyday to talk to you and write these posts. My desk is home base in my apartment. I'm messy, I know.

Btw, that blue lamp is a sunlight simulator lamp. The Peace Corps gives them to volunteers in my city.


Ileana said…
Love that sunshine in your room!! ☼

That wall is sweet, too! Send me an e-mail and I'll send a lil something to you after the holidays!!
Ileana said…
PS - Let me know your shipping address.
Mandy said…
The sun on your wall is pure genius. Its so brilliant! I get very moody if I don't see the sun on a regular basis. I love that you also hang up all the cards your family and friends send you.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I love this glimpse into your life. I do not love the lack of sunshine. I admit, that I do get sick of it some is always sunny here (it seems, and hot too)
But, I will forever appreciate it after reading this. I love your wall of appreciation. You are so sweet.
mjfoster77 said…
Awesome Christmas tree! And the sun... not sure why you didn't put John Krasinki's face in the center of the sun... see what you can do about that! :)
I LOVE your sunshine! What a brilliant idea. I put greeting cards on my front door at home too! Reminds me of those who thought enough of me to send a card...Happy Sunshiny Holidays !
Amy said…
I love the Mary candle! What's your address. I feel bad I haven't sent you anything.
Little Fish said…
Oh I love the sun, what a great way to bring more sunshine into your life!
Technodoll said…
Awe, that is lovely Rebecca! I would do the same thing too!

You are a big ray of sunshine on heels, you! Reeeer!

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