Intestinal Parasites Think They Are My Friends

Turns out my tummyache was merely the incubation period for giardia, an intestinal parasite you get from dirty water or poorly cooked food. I'll spare you the details, you can read about it here if you want, but all I have to say is thank goodness for medicine. I took a large dose this morning, and the Peace Corps doctor said I should start feeling better in three to four days, but it takes several weeks to fully recover. (And giardia sometimes relapses; the gift that keeps on giving!) When we go to our sites, we are given a bag of prescription medications to keep in our apartments. This way, we don't have to have it sent to us, we can just take it under the direction of our doctor as soon as we need it. The Peace Corps takes good care of us.

I have to admit, I was pretty ticked when my symptoms got worse and I realized this wasn't just a passing tummyache. At this time of year, I really miss my dad; holidays are the hardest time to be without him. And I am so far away from home, in a country where Christmas isn't celebrated like I'm used to. It's just another day here. And I got a little peevish, like, "Why am I voluntarily submitting myself to this misery? I could be home, with my family, without parasites! Is that so wrong?" But I do remember why I'm here, and how much I love my students, and I know this misery is just a short time compared to positive benefit of these experiences. Someday I'll look back on my giardia Christmas and laugh.

That said, intestinal parasites suck. Parasites, I'm sorry, but this relationship needs to be over now!


Busy Bee Suz said…
You poor thing. I hope this does pass quickly...I could not bear to click the link of details.
I am happy the Dr's take care of you, but hate that you are missing out on Christmas.
This too, will pass. right? Who knows where you will be next Christmas. really...who knows? Do you? What are your plans for the next year with the Peace Corps?
Marianne said…
This bites the big one, Rebecca. I'm so sorry! Once I had a roommate who got giardia from drinking river water in the mountains while she was hiking. (dumb!)
I hope it gets better soon!
Little Fish said…
Ugh! I'm so sorry, this definitely sucks! Feel better soon.
The Bingham's said…
I am so so sorry!! That is truely no fun. I hope that you feel better really soon!
myself said…
Yikes! hopefully you'll start to get better soon!!! can't be fun...
JennyMac said…
I hope this is over VERY soon. Sending positive thoughts your way. Feel better!!!
Technodoll said…
Yep, I now about the G since dogs are also quite susceptible to it... had to treat two of mine for it with antibiotics and all.

Yecch! No fun for Rebecca!

Next time, don't eat the worm ok?

(kidding!! LOL)

Glad you have meds and are on the mend, it's no fun to have to be that near John all the time :-(
Ileana said…
Your sickness sounds awful. I hope you get rid of it for good and that you find a way to celebrate Christmas where it feels more like home for you!

What you're doing is amazing and I admire you for sticking with it and making a positive difference in many kids' lives. You go, Chica! xo
kanishk said…
.who knows? Do you? What are your plans for the next year with the Peace Corps?

Work from home India

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