'Choggles' is a combination of two words, 'China' and 'goggles.' Choggles are similar in function to beer goggles, but with a broader spectrum. For example, you buy some cookies. Are they good cookies, your friend asks you? They're choggle good, you say, meaning, not good if you're in America and have access to Mrs. Fields, but good when you're in China and desserts are commonly sweetened with red beans. What you mean is, these have a little sugar in them, not beans, and are somewhat edible.
Choggles make it difficult to remember what you like and don't like. You wonder, do I like this because it's good, or because I'm wearing choggles? Is The Hangover actually this funny, or do I just miss Western irony and sarcasm so much, I'm willing to laugh at even the weakest examples of it? Is that guy actually hot, or is he just a lot taller than me and therefore I can't take my eyes off of him? And so on.
How long does it take choggles to form? I think food choggles form first, within a month. Entertainment choggles, about 6-9 months. And dating choggles? About a year. But I also think dating choggles are the strongest. You always know when you're wearing food choggles; dating choggles are pretty transparent.
Choggles might make you watch movies/tv shows, eat foods, and think about dating people you'd never consider watching, eating and dating in your pre-choggles life. Which is not to say choggles are a bad thing; choggles expand your horizons and experiences. But what happens when you take the choggles off? Do you still want to watch, eat and date those things? I have no idea. I'm about to find out, though.
Housekeeping note: I leave later today for my isla vacacion. I still haven't decided if I'm taking my laptop along. So if I go MIA, it's because I'm on the beach. Holla!
Everything is relative, eh?
I'll be thinking of you roasting your bunbuns on the beach, you lucky chick! Remember the SPF, your skin's not used to that big bright thing in the sky, remember?
(yes I loved your t-shirt)
Have a wonderful trip. HOLLA!!
I thought the hangover was ok...not chick flick funny, just kinda guy funny. :0
Have a great vacation:)
Have fun on the beach.