A Couple Of Pictures

Andrew took this picture of me on the back of the airport bus. I cropped out the people around me and now it’s kinda too small. But anyway, a recent-ish picture.


And my student sent this to me a few days ago. It’s from the holiday pageant I hosted. This is not Andrew, it’s a student who joined me on stage to introduce something. The lights really washed me out, but I’m wearing a trapezoid-cut neckline silver matte shirt and a fake-diamond necklace. And black shoes with my floor length skirt. And a diamond sparkle headband. (And a smirky look on my face, apparently.) Next time, I need to remember my camera. I kept the background in because I thought you might like to see it. A flaming guitar, so Christmasy!


And now Andrew is smirking...

My good friends, whose wedding I went to in NYC a few months before I came to China, are having a baby in July. I’m really excited for them, and I bought them this cute coat for their baby. My favorite part are the ears on the hood.



Busy Bee Suz said…
You are so cute....smirking? I love that.
Can't see the photo of the baby hoodie though. Congrats to the parents to be!
Matt said…
*wolf whistle*
Technodoll said…
I want that coat. As jammies for winter. I'm serious!


Your bus photo is... how did Matt put it? *wolf whistle*!!
yrautca said…
Nice pics. Add one to the Wolf Whistle club. Or maybe you are the vampire kinda chick?!?
Mandy said…
Great photos! The gift for the baby is adorable. I love things that have ears on the hood. =)
How cute are you~ Thanks for sharing your pics! And that baby jacket is so cute! Chic at such a young age cause of you!
Ileana said…
Love all the pictures! You look great in all of them...especially the one with the smirk. :)

Fun post and I adore the baby coat! I've never seen anything like it.

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