The "A's" Have It

I learned to eat veggies from my Chilean mom, so I tend to eat them the Chilean way: steamed, with lemon juice, olive oil and salt. Some fresh garlic for the asparagus, too. Not the avocados! Those I mash up raw with lemon juice, salt, garlic powder and a bit of white cooking wine. Delicious.
I've heard of people eating artichokes with mayo or some creamy dressing, but that just sounds awful to me. Do you like it that way? I can't get up the nerve to try it.
I made artichokes yesterday for lunch and forgot about them on the stove, so the bottoms caramelized a bit. Oops. I just picked those leaves off, still delicious! I eat the hair and stem, too. The hair is my favorite part, when the artichoke is young and fresh. And swirling the heart and stem around in a little bowl of lemon juice, oil and salt, then biting in? Heaven. I make a meal of just artichokes, and I don't cut them down or make them pretty, I just steam them whole. One of my favorite meals.
* I know it's technically a fruit, whatever.
I have been eating avocados almost every day...I slice and mix with a bit of salsa and drizzle with lemon juice. Great on a crusty piece of bread or some chips.
I have never made artichokes though. Love using the marinated ones in salad. But would LOVE to try them fresh too.
So, do you take them apart before cooking...or do the whole thing at one time? Let me know..I love trying new stuff.
Asparagus = for the win! YUM! with a squirt of lemon juice and a bit of butter, mmm. But oh boy do they ever make my pee smell like satan's hangover breath.
Avocados are DELISH! I love them simply halved (with skin on), pitted and in the indent you pour some balsamic vinegar, eat with a spoon. How refreshing is that? :)