Buddha, Bathina Body So Fine, Baths w/ Bryson

I first became interested in Buddhism when I visited Thailand several years ago. Two of my favorite quotations from Buddha:

"What we think, we become."
"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make our world."

Our minds are powerful; I'm trying to be more conscious of where I direct my thoughts and energy. I have found it is easy with practice to let go of material things, but it is tempting to me to hold on to thoughts of anger and resentment; they satisfy the ego very well. My ego struggles with letting go of these things, but slowly, slowly, I am seeing the wisdom of it. It's not my job to mete out punishment for wrongdoings. When I let go, I can move forward, and as for the other person? What will be, will be. It's actually a relief it has nothing to with me and is not my responsibility. I don't "lose" when I let go. This is what I'm working on making my ego truly believe.

I do believe when you can happily give up what matters most to you, you are truly humble, free and open. (Not there yet by a long shot!)


Do you enjoy dry, lizardy skin? If so, skip this paragraph. Those of you who like soft, glowy skin, here is  a fun body balm to try: Bathina Body So Fine. It used to look like this:

But it looks like recently they'e changed the packaging and now it looks like this: 

It's a sheer, slightly shimmery, mildy scented body balm that adds a nice glow to your skin. I don't use it on my face, but it looks nice everywhere else. Lasts a long time too, I've had the same tin for the last two years. I buy it at Sephora but if you Google it, there are a lot of buying options.  


I've written about baths before, but I'm reminded now how much I love them. I really missed taking baths the two years I was away in China and sure making up for it now! You can tell a dedicated bathtub reader because our books have edges warped with steam. It's a small price to pay for the pleasure of reading in the bathtub. I've been working on my Bill Bryson books lately, he writes about terribly interesting things. My current read is Made in America, a book about the words Americans have added to English and how they came about (mostly through technology and sports, it seems). He also wrote The Mother Tongue and A Short History of Nearly Everything, two books I recommend even if you don't read them in the bathtub (although I of course recommend you do).  They even make waterproof books these days, but it seems most of them are either about fishing, erotica, or for readers under the age of 3. 

A few other B things I love: 


Stephanie said…
Oh how I adore a hot steamy bath..or better..a hot tub:)
yrautca said…
I really like Bryson. My fave of his books is A Walk in the Woods. Try it.
Busy Bee Suz said…
What a fun post.
Love your thoughts of Buddhism. It is very interesting and peace filled way to live.
I loathe my dry skin...will look into this lotion.
I love my bath too, and have ruined a few books that way. Now, I bathe with people. People magazine that is. :)

Love the sideways bowls too.
Technodoll said…
I don't see how those bowls work? I mean you can only add a little bit of stuff in them or else they leak? Or how dumb am I, haha!

Baths = win (with bath salts AND bubble bath thrown in) :-D
Rebecca Foster said…
MM, hot tubs are great, I've never read it one though-- maybe too many bubbles. :)

yrautca, that one is good. I listened to it on tape during a cross country road trip, I enjoyed it.

bbs, thanks! I love reading magazines in the bath too, I can just throw them out when they're all wrinkled.

Techno, i think they're deep so you can fill them up with enough stuff? Not sure, but they were in your old Plateau neighborhood. Wish I could have afforded them.
Ileana said…
Love the quotes...I agree with them, although I'm not Buddhist.

Baths are one of the sweetest simple pleasures in life. I need to check out your link because I love soft, healthy, glowing skin...and aromatherapy, too!

Bryson's Walk in the Woods is excellent! I have to read more of his travel books.

Have a happy and relaxing week!!
Anonymous said…
What's up

There has to be a wireless bluetooth for the apple iphone besides the iphone 3gs wireless bluetooth plus the JAW BONE bluetooth?
I am just interested in something a bit fewer within price. The actual jawbone wireless headset i'm sure will be $100 or even a little more and the Apple Wireless bluetooth is usually $130. May anyone know if you find a Bluetooth that could help my iphone 3gs, I see everyone finding a ton making use of their headsets regarding like 50, sixty even $80 dollars...
Please help! Glad i found it!

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