Ain't No Shame In Declarations

I have many declarations. My long-term favorite is "He/She/It is dead to me." I can hold a grudge like a hiker holding onto a ledge. It's a real talent. But last night R. and I were gchat video chatting (I love R.; she is, quite simply, awesome) and she said, "You know what sucks about being home? I can no longer excuse things by saying, 'Ain't no shame in China.'" She's right.

"Ain't no shame in China" is a declaration I made about a year in, when I stopped being polite and started being real. (Ha! Old-school, in the house!) It became our rallying cry:

  • Get hooked on Gossip Girl and actually discuss it with friends? Ain't no shame in China.
  • Drink 120 proof Chinese liquor too quickly and puke all over your hotel room like a college kid? Ain't no shame in China.
  • Kiss a guy in a bar (twice! In two different bars!) you'd never have kissed in America? Ain't no shame in China.
  • Wear mismatched clothing and lots of cheap bling? Ain't no shame in China.
  • Watch a kid's goat cartoon? Ain't no shame in China.
  • Have a crush on someone you know is totally wrong for you? Ain't no shame in China.
  • Let a bowl of rice go moldy on your counter, then pick off the moldy rice and eat what's underneath? You get the idea. 

No, not all of those were me, but some of them were. Ain't no shame in China!

But now that we are home, the declaration has no meaning. Actually, you SHOULD be ashamed. You're in America now, no excuses for acting culturally, socially or personally out of step. The shame, it has returned.

Time for a new declaration.

Other Ds I love:

Down comforters in soft duvets
Dancing (50% of me thinks this is the perfect night out)
Dunford chocolate cake doughnuts


(There is this guy I so want to write about because I bet some of you can relate, but I have no idea if he still looks at this blog. Oh, the wonders of the modern world. When in doubt, I err on the side of caution. Hmmm.)


On another note, my new job is awesome and I am so happy. I don't want to talk about it publicly because this isn't the place for it, but if you've asked, I'll send a personal email. However, I am also exhausted this week adjusting to my new routine. So forgive me if I am slow this week, next week will be much more regular, I am sure. It's a good exhausted, though.

Hope you are all doing well!


Technodoll said…
Ain't no shame in havin' no shame.


It's good to feel your smile in your keystrokes!
Mandy said…
Do it. Ain't no shame is a great declaration. I might borrow it, ok?
Ileana said…
Yes, yes, tell me all about your new job when you have time. I'd love to hear all about it!

Btw, Cubans use the so and so "is dead to me" expression all the time. Some hold grudges. The other expression about no shame in China is classic. I should start saying that here in Miami (about Miami!). lol A lot of bizarre behavior goes unnoticed in this town because of all the eccentrics and diversity.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I love this 'ain't no shame" motto.
Sure did come in handy right?
I am positive you will come up with something equally as thought provoking. :)
Glad you are loving your job!!!
I won't ask about it, unless you are employed by a retailer that I adore and can offer me a discount.
Have a great day.
myself said…
I'm in North America and I have no shame. Join me, we'll start a revolution :D
Anonymous said…
"HE" most certainly still reads it.
yrautca said…
ahem/Quickly grabs a tub of popcorn to see what happens next; he most certainly still reads it, eh?/ahem

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