John Legend and Jay-Z and V. and Me

I just realized, both of my recent recollections about songs from John Legend and Jay-Z both involve V. What will I write about when I actually get to the letter V?

John Legend's album Evolver, one of my all-time favorite albums. Very mellow, very sensual, very engaging. The day V. and I left Chongqing was crazy; when we got to Chengdu it was raining, we had ALL of our stuff we were taking to America with us (I had more than he did, though; love when girl stereotypes are true!), and in the long-distance bus parking lot I was in a shouting match with a Chinese illegal taxi driver about the fare to take us to our hostel. V. asked me in English if we could pay the higher rate just to get us there. (He's very non-confrontational like that. I was prepared to keep yelling for a while, haha.) By the time we got to the hostel we were wet, loaded down and I can only speak for myself here, but generally just tired of dealing with China that day. My qipao was dirty and I'd been sobbing earlier, so I felt like a little drowned rat. But a hot shower later, we finally could just chill in our room and I put on John Legend and there might as well have been a hookah in our room, it was suddenly such a different mood. I have fond memories of that afternoon, chillin' in our room, listening to the rain and John. Thanks, John. You saved my sanity that day.

Aural-hookah, that's my new way to describe John Legend.

I also like Jay-Z now. (There's even a John Legend and Jay-Z song, score!) V. sorta introduced me to the Jay-Z repertoire; before that, I'd only known one or two songs. I sometimes crashed at V's place and he always got up and put music on first thing in the morning. One morning he woke up, went into his office where his laptop was, and a few moments later I hear the dulcet strain "If you havin' girl problems, I feel bad for you son; I got 99 problems but a b*tch ain't one" filling the apartment. I took it as a compliment. (Ha.) And of course there was the night T. and I did Empire State of Mind at KTV-- probably the best performance at KTV that night! Who knew moving to China would make me a Jay-Z fan?

China was such a crazy experience, on so many levels. Man, I miss it.

I also like Juicy Couture's original scent perfume. Other than that, my 'J's are coming up dry. Any J things you love?


Busy Bee Suz said…
This is great, I love the audio hookah thoughts.
I love a Jeff....
Marianne said…
I was thinking you would mention your new job for the j's. How is it going?
Technodoll said…
I don't know these artists and now feel like I'm missing out... guess who's going to youtube now! ;-)

Jello is good, so is joy, a nice cuppa java, and no i'm not including jesus in anything!

Stacy Q said…
My husband is my favorite "J"
Tracey Axnick said…
Let's see... what "J"s do I love?
I adore my son... his name begins with J.
My daddy's name also begins with a J... love him too.
I love Jin & Juice (ha ha - kidding - couldn't resist...)

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