Fun, Forgiveness + New Year's Panties

When I have to sum up this past year?


(This picture is from when I lived in San Antonio, before my dad got sick. I was really happy and carefree. I think it shows on my face. I'd take a new picture but I lost my camera in the move. So, this old one will have to do.)

Probably some of the most fun times of my life. Okay, coming home from China and transitioning back to America was tough, but it was worth it for all the fun times that caused the big letdown. I mean, you can't go that low unless you've been that high, right?

I was that high.

(Not literally.)

Probably the two biggest lessons I learned this year are:

1. Ain't nothing wrong with a good time. It's okay to just be happy. I'm a lucky, lucky girl.

2. Forgiveness is not about the other person at all, it's about you. I used to be reluctant to let go of those bad feelings that happen when someone hurts you a lot because it was like letting them win. Well, *I'm* the one carrying that burden, not them. Duh. So I learned that forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give yourself. Truly.

Life is so much better without a sack of hurt and resentment to carry around.

And someone who hurts you might never face the repercussions for their actions, but really? Not my problem. Their life is their own to sort out. Luckily, I am not the one who has to make things okay. I only have to make myself okay. Such a relief!

So give yourself the gift of forgiveness, no matter how counter-intuitive it seems to just let it all go.

No really, let it all go.

And then, HAVE FUN!

Life is good, my friends.

Love you all.

Happy New Year!

And don't forget to wear your New Year's Panties!


Busy Bee Suz said…
Ditto on the is full of fun, we've got to embrace it all.

You are so darn right on the forgiveness thing...I have to work on that. I still bring stuff to mind that happened YEARS ago when my feelings were hurt, need to let that crap go.

The NYE panty thing is quite interesting. Going to check my drawers.....
Have a wonderful and safe night and a beautiful year to come, so glad to have added YOU as one of my friends.
yrautca said…
Happy New Year.

Nice pic. So no plans of Chicago. I wish you had come back when I was down in San Antonio. Definitely would have looked you up.

Also, what you is true. Have you read The Four Agreements? One of the agreements is that what others do and say is because of their reality and has nothing to do with us. If someone is mean, its because their life is so messed up. Just dont let them push that into your reality.
Technodoll said…
Your point on forgiveness... I had never thought of it that way and it just hit me like a ton of bricks.

oh. wow.

I think this may just change my life a bit...

(( thank you )) !!!
Ileana said…
Forgiveness and moving on is the best advice you can give, my friend. There's nothing worse than resentment and holding grudges. These things rob us of our joy. I'm so with you on this post, Chica! It's all about letting go and living a rich, happy life!!

PS - You truly look beautiful and happy in that pic! I hope you're still smiling that way! :)
cyclopseven said…
Forgiveness embraces the entire values in life.God bless.
cyclopseven said…
I like your hair...
Mandy said…
I hope some day you can get back to being truly happy and carefree like you were in the picture.

You are spot on about forgiveness. I need to work on that one more myself.
Tracey Axnick said…
Beautiful photo of a gorgeous (and very smart) girl. :)
2011 is going to be an amazing year for you!

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