Pig, Pendleton, Panda and Pitbull

I've had this little pig since I was a toddler. As you can see, it's been broken a few times. I loved this pig so much, I'd carry it around like it was a stuffed animal. I got very upset when I'd drop and break it, and even though it was just a worthless, cheap ceramic pig, my dad glued it back together each time. I've saved it as a reminder of one of the qualities I admire most about my dad: if it was important to you, it was important to him.

Another thrift store find: my vintage Pendleton wool, double-breasted peacoat. Very heavy, very warm. I got it for $15 about ten years ago. It's been in storage for years and years because I didn't need a coat after I moved to San Antonio. I considered taking it to China, but it's so heavy it would have taken up precious weight in my luggage. But, the coat is back! The first time my mom saw it, she said, "Ew, it looks like something an old grandpa would wear." I KNOW, that's why it's awesome!

I found these cute mugs a few days ago-- I thought it very appropriate after China to be drinking from a panda mug. I love the way my Chinese host-mom said the word 'panda', it always came out "pandar." (And Chinar, Rebeccar, etc. A common Chinese inflection. I used to get texts from students with an 'r' added to the end of my name, so cute.) So now in my head, I always say 'pandar' too.

Guilty pleasure: Pitbull. His music is a lot of fun to dance to and the girls in his videos are usually Latina, a little heavier, curvy and gorgeous. So, maybe I just like seeing this kind of woman celebrated! Once at KTV we put on a Pitbull song and instead of the cheesy stock footage that usually accompanies American songs, they had the actual video. I was so embarrassed, I was with a room full of my students! I tried to block it but the boys said, 'We are adults, we can see it!' That was my cultural contribution to China that day: half naked Latinas dancing around. Oops. (Love that green pleated dress, though.)


Here's what I've been working on today, unpacking books. But I only have this one bookcase (handmade by my grandpa and passed down to me), because my other bookcases were just temporary and didn't make it in storage. So, until I get some more bookcases, this is what I have: stacks of books all over the floor. At least I can see them all, right?


cyclopseven said…
You remind me of a friend who is after everything vintage, of course within the affordable range.

I like the patched pig and the book case. You are visibly a keeper of memorabilia. Keep up the good work of posting wonderful stories. God bless.
yrautca said…
Thats some vintage stuff right there. I mean every friggin body goes to IKEA to buy stuff and not many things from our parents and grandparents still exist around the house. For $15 that coat is a steal. The hostess at the Cancun resort was from Chile. Good looking woman.
Busy Bee Suz said…
I LOVE that coat!!!
And the pig? forget about ever getting rid of that baby....sweet history.
Pandar? that is so cute and sweet...love the mug.
That video is racy, but fun too.
Good luck with your books. :)
Stephanie said…
I am so in love with your ceramic pig. I had one very much like that growing up...we were robbed when I was a child and can you believe those bad guys took it? Boo. Hang on to that precious piggy :)
mjfoster77 said…
I love that little pig, but I have always wondered, where is he going with his little sombrero?
Mandy said…
I love the ceramic bank and what it means to you. Its absolutely priceless that you can see where it was glued. How special! Just like the bookcase that your grandpap made.
Ileana said…
I saw Pitbull on the Cristina show with his aunt and grandmother (embarrassed TO DEATH). He's a cutie and a softy, not like I would've imagined at all. He can sing, too, and get people moving with his music. Everyone loves him here in Miami...especially on Calle Ocho! :)

That piggy that your dad kept gluing back together is symbolic of the love he felt for you. He wanted to put everything back together and make it all right for you whenever he could. Bet he misses being able to do that just as much as you miss him. You will be together again someday, mi'ja.

PS - My husband is from Boston and uses the "r" after words that end in "a" and it's always so funny to me. There's no R in the name Lisa, but to him it's Lisar. lol I totally get you with the pandar thing!
LL Cool Joe said…
Pitbull's music always works well at the right kind of disco. I do sometimes find his lyrics completely off the wall, particularly on Usher's "DJ Got Us Falling".

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