Life Isn't Fair

I've been thinking about what I've learned as an adult and I guess it boils down to this: life isn't fair and things don't always work out. 
  • My dad would have turned 65 this year and he and my step-mom had a lot of retirement plans and it's not fair he isn't here to do them. It's not fair the youngest grandkids will grow up without Grandpa Bob. 
  • It's not fair that you can't always get a job where you want to live or the housing you want. 
  • It's not fair some people struggle with poor health or body image and others have perfect health. 
  • It's not fair that being outgoing and comfortable in all situations come so easily to some people, while others struggle with anxiety or lack of confidence. 
  • It's not fair when that guy you really like isn't available*. It's not fair that two people can love each other but be at different places in life and experience. 
 Nope, life isn't fair, but a lot of really good things can still happen. 
  • You can still have an awesome job and house, even if it's not what you originally wanted.
  • You can travel to all the places you love.  
  • You can learn to appreciate your own quieter qualities that those outgoing, confident people might not have. 
  • You can still have a sweet relationship with someone you love, even if you won't be together. 
  • You can learn to accept and love your own self no matter what size you are or what health problems you live with. 
  • You can tell the grandkids all about special Grandpa Bob. 
And for me, that's kind of the key: life isn't fair, but it's good. And not being fair? Well, that kind of taks the pressure off, doesn't it? It makes the good times that much more special. And appreciating the good times, I guess that's pretty mature. 

*One of my Peace Corps friends, JG, once said, 'We're at that age where we're hoping the guy we really like gets divorced." Haha, that cracked me up. 


Rebex said…
Just stopping by to let you know I'm thinking of you. And I love you. And I miss you. That is all for now.

PS: Come back to Texas! ;)
Rebecca Foster said…
Rebecca! Are you back in Texas?? I don't know where you are! I miss Texas, and you, and our fun life there, and I love you too!
Busy Bee Suz said…
You have the perspective stuff all down pat! The good usually outweighs the bad...usually. ;)
Randy said…
Great perspectives on life...

Hang in there kiddo!

Randy (Ladder8)
Rebecca Foster said…
Hey thanks Randy!

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