NYC: The New Experiences

I had a fantastic time in NYC in part because every day I did something new, and doing new things is exhilirating! Not a complete list, but a sampling of my new things:

~Stayed in a new hotel, in a new part of town.
~Went to Cloisters.
~Walked through Ft. Tyron park.
~Walked across Central Park.
~Saw the new Middle Eastern and Byzantine art wings at the Met.
~Saw what an FDNY Mobile Command Center looks like and learned about what it can do.
~Learned other interesting things about FDNY capabilities.
~Found out what a cigar tastes like.
~Walked and took pictures on the High Line.
~Rode three new subway lines.
~Went to the Jewish Museum for the photography exhibit.
~Sang along (by invitation) in a small Sunday afternoon service at Trinity Church on Church Street.
~Visited the 9/11 Memorial.
~Met Fiona, my friend's new daughter.
~Stayed a few days in Bushwick with old friends and explored the area.
~Got asked by a Egyptian halal vendor "Are you Arab?" When I told him no, I was Chilean American, he told me, "Close enough." Haha, what? (He had a cool immigration story though, a part of what makes NYC so great and vibrant.)

So fun, all of these things!

I'll post some more random photos from my trip, but I've got lots of pictures I like from previous trips, too; I'm going to combine them all into one multi-media NYC project. I'll post it, or a link, when it's finished in the next week or two.


Anonymous said…
Don't forget you posed with a halligan.

Rebecca Foster said…
Yes! Love the halligan pic, great reminder of a very fun day. And a great photographer took it.
Busy Bee Suz said…
You are always up for an adventure and this trip was apparently full of them too!
Rebecca Foster said…
Yes, it was full of adventure! A great trip.

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