Night People Vs. Morning People: The Battle Continues

Text I got recently from a night person friend:

My not-a-night-person reputation precedes me.


I don't do sleepovers that often now, but in China I did them all the time because of the time and trouble it took to get places. When I stayed at T.'s or V.'s, I had to plan for things to do in the morning because I'd routinely wake up several hours before either of them did. Especially T. We're talking sometimes 5+ hours. 

One thing I did at T.'s was go for a run because he lived in the countryside. Once, I forgot my key. And he lived on the top floor of the girl's dorm. And I had to stand there knocking, trying to wake him up, while girls stared up at the top floor from the courtyard, wondering who I was, trying to get into the hot American teacher's apartment at 8:00 AM dressed in skimpy running clothes. It's fun doing a walk of shame that isn't even a walk of shame! After that, pretty sure I was just called 'The Hussy' by his students. And after that, I planned indoor activities for the morning. (Somehow, him being one hour behind me now is as much of a challenge as when he was 14 hours ahead as far as me being awake when he is, haha.) 


Busy Bee Suz said…
Oh my goodness, that is a funny story. :)
I'm a night person who has always dreamed of being a morning person!

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