Big Cottonwood Canyon + Firewood

Big Cottonwood Canyon, 3 miles from my front door. At a trail head.

I don't remember if other places are like this, but I find it charming you can buy firewood at convenience stores and grocery stores in Salt Lake, just like you buy a bag of ice. Campfire evenings are very popular here.


Matt said…
Yep, it's firewood bundles are very common now.

Don't think I really saw many 10 years ago.

That wood tends to be "kilned dry" -- it brings the moisture really low so it's cheaper to truck around, plus it kills the bugs possibly in the wood which is required in certain parts of some states now to control the spread of certain invasive species.

There's a really big push on now for campers to not bring their own firewood from home but buy locally.
Busy Bee Suz said…
Love it!!!!
One day, I will be somewhere where a campfire will be necessary. I hope. :)

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