Sexy, Moody Perfection

Oh man, Black Celebration, I loved this album back in the day. I looked it up today on Spotify, it really holds up! Probably the most famous song on this album is Stripped, due to the movie Say Anything, but the whole album is just moody, dark and sexy. I always thought It Doesn't Matter Two was a brutally honest, brilliantly background-composed song. I mean, just listen. Yes, absolutely. That moment when you realize what's really going on. That throbbing synth and rhythm. Just an astounding song.

I also love Here Is The House* and But Not Tonight. I remember driving my convertible around at night in the 90's, But Not Tonight blaring. Brings back so many memories, can't believe it's *gulp* 26 years old! (BRB, gone to cry a little.)

If you haven't heard It Doesn't Matter Two, here you go.

*"With or without words, I'll confide everything." Still gets me every time.


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