Honest Talk! DNA Needs To Settle Down (Or, How Can I Still Think That Guy Is So Hot?)

As I always say, two things about chemistry suck: you can't turn it on, and you can't turn it off.

I'd like to think this is the reason I can be so attracted to a man it is not logical for me to be attracted to. One in particular, for reasons I don't want to get into here, we're never going to date or anything like that. It sucks, because how often do you really meet people you have great chemistry with? We are all wrong logically, but some part of my DNA is like, "Screw all those logical reasons, this is a good idea!" Despite the logic, I'm still super-attracted to him. I'm trying to tamp it down. It's hard. (It's not Jake Gyllenhaal, but he has blue eyes, so this pic is my stand-in.)

I enjoy reading social science and real-science-light, and an interesting concept is that a lot of what determines attraction and chemistry is DNA compatibility; that is, your DNA desires to combine with someone else's DNA in a way that optimizes the strong and healthy continuation of the species. And smell, taste and other sub-levels affect this attraction. And this is great! Because yay, we exist as a species! Way to go, DNA! But also, hey, DNA, is there some way to turn this off when it's not going to happen?

As I always say, two things about chemistry suck: you can't turn it on, and you can't turn it off.


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